How To Store Bedding
September 3rd, 2021

Storing Blankets, Comforters, and Bedding
Wash bedding accordingly
It’s important to clean your bedding before storing it.
Clean using the directions on your comforters, quilts, blankets, etc. If you have a vintage quilt, it may be best to shake out the fabric outdoor before storing it to save it from the stress of laundry. Using a dry cleaner to properly clean your items.
Bedding that is dirty must be cleaned before putting into storage. The most important is to make sure the fabric is completely dry before storing.
Dampness can promote mold and mildew growth.
Tips when laundering bedding:
Coldwater on the delicate cycle is best for washing bedding. Hot water can degrade the fabric. A small amount of gentle detergent because too much soap leaves sheets stiff.
When drying bedding use a large enough dryer on low to medium heat. Keeping comforters from bunching up will help fabric dry evenly. Try using dryer balls for this. Bedding must have space for the air to fluff up. Don’t overstuff the dryer. Use dryer sheets to help with static.
Take the bedding out right away. This makes sure you don’t store bedding with wrinkles.
Certain bedding must air dry.
Some fabrics cannot be dried with heat.
Check all your labels to know how to clean your bedding.
Allow fabric to breathe.
Natural fibers like wool need to breathe.
Storing fabric that needs to breathe in an open area with adequate airflow to the fabric. Putting these items in plastic storage bags and bins can trap moisture and could create mold and mildew.
Cotton storage bags are great for these kinds of fabric. These bags protect against bugs and dust but allow airflow. You can also wrap comforters and other bedding in cotton sheets for storage.
Comforter hangers work well for hanging heirloom quilts and allow air to pass through the fabric. You can purchase acid-free boxes and tissue. This will help with long-term storage. Use the tissue between each layer to prevent creasing and fabric bleeding.
Maximize space by folding.
Properly folding bedding will take up less space when storing.
Comforters and bulky and hard to keep folded items, shouldn’t be compressed or stacked. A good solution is to roll the bedding into a ball and tie it into place using a ribbon. These options will help blankets be more accessible and won’t be crushed by the weight of the other blankets.
Rolling down comforters loosely in the fashion and storing them vertically to prevent compression. Down comforters with goose down or feathers should not be compressed.
The excess weight can damage the feathers and create bunches inside the comforter.
Store sheets inside pillowcases. This helps keep the sets together, fold the sheets and place them inside the matching pillowcase.
Keeping Blankets Smelling Fresh:
Place a dryer sheet inside the folded bedding or in the tote before storing. Dryer sheets work great to keep fabric fresh regardless of how long they are stored.
You can make an odor absorber by mixing baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Place the mixture in a mason jar and punch a few holes in the lid and place this inside where you are storing your bedding.
Using a cedar-lined chest or cedar chips can help prevent damage to your bedding. Once you take your items out of storage, hang them in the sun. The sunshine will work to deodorize and kill odor-causing bacteria in the fabric naturally.
Remember the most important thing before bringing your bedding to storage to make sure it is completely dry before storing. Call Lock Box Self Storage today, and let us help find you the right size storage.